Sunday, January 25, 2015

How to evade security at the WTCs.

If 9/11 was an inside job, and the WTC buildings were taken down by controlled demolitions, how did the conspirators manage to evade detection by security at the WTC complex?  Kevin Ryan offers some evidence that perhaps the head of the security company was part of the conspiracy:    Barry McDaniel and 15 Reasons to Investigate Stratesec."


  1. I don't know about this. Wikipedia makes it very clear that Barry McDaniel is a baritone player.

  2. I'm a baritone, also. Perhaps we baritones are very good at multi-tasking.

  3. I meant "baritone singer," not "baritone player." I can't say whether Barry is a player.

  4. And what's your excuse for typos?

  5. To be perfectly honest, while I was typing I was thinking of "baritone" as an instrument. This is all the more humiliating given that, not only does the Wikipedia article use the term properly, but I myself was in band for many years, and know perfectly well that there is no such instrument as a "baritone" (although there are instruments which are themselves baritone, e.g. the baritone sax, and instrument some of my brothers know how to play). So I can't explain what was going on in my brain.

  6. I find myself often wondering what's going on in your brain, also.

  7. But I always explain the goings-on with such clarity and detail!

  8. Also, I thought you already figured out what was going on in my brain - modern day Baal worship.

  9. I'll grant you agree with that.
