Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Call Congress and President about Binney's Two Degrees of Separation Solution for NSA

Former NSA administrator and whistleblower, William Binney, offered a simple way for the NSA to protect us from terrorists without invading our privacy. He calls it the two degrees of separation solution. The NSA would be allowed to monitor foreign terrorists, their communications with people inside the U.S., and the communications of those people, also. All other data would be thrown away. Thus, if you had no contact with terrorists or people who support them, then your private communications would remain private.

I'm willing to bet that 99% of us want to be protected from foreign terrorists, but also want to maintain as much of our privacy as possible.  Binney's solution seems to be a reasonable compromise.  I suggest that we call, email, or write our Congressional representatives and urge them to support his solution.  We should also urge them to grant immunity to Edward Snowden and all other whistleblowers, since they are our insurance policy against government abuse of our civil rights, including the right to privacy. Mr. Snowden has put his life on the line, hoping that the American public would realize the danger of the Orwellian state we are entering. Urging Congress to do more to protect our privacy and to grant him immunity is the least we can do.


  1. This seems like a good idea, but... I just don't know what to think of it until I know what Anon thinks of your mental state.

  2. We know what he thinks of my mental state. What worries me is how boring he thinks this post is.

  3. That's true. I wonder how you can better serve the entertainment needs of Anon? Perhaps less 9/11, surveillance, ID, etc., .... and more cats or baby videos?

  4. You know, like babies tasting lemons for the first time:
