Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why I'll be studying YEC Literature for a while.

James McGrath has put up what I consider to be a very unChristian posting at his blog: Be Deceitful as Your Heavenly Father is Deceitful; Things Jesus Didn't Say. He claims that ALL Young Earth Creationists (YECs) are guilty of being deceitful. I even asked him in the comments section just to make sure I wasn't misinterpreting him. I'm not a YEC. I've assumed that mainstream science has it right about the ancient age of the Earth, but that there are perfectly legitimate ways to interpret Genesis that are consistent with that view. So to me, this whole issue has never been a big deal. However, as one YEC scientist put it:

"If McGrath's central thesis that worshippers resemble their deities is correct (which I seriously doubt), then the god of James McGrath must be a divisive, belligerent jerk. Not the sort of deity I care to worship."

I wholeheartedly agree with that view. So now I must divert my time and energy from constructive activities, such as sharing my favorite parts of episodes of "The Big Bang Theory," to reading YEC literature. What I expect to find is that there is anomalous evidence that does not fit easily into the standard scientific understanding of an ancient Earth. To me, this wouldn't prove that the standard view is wrong. But it would show that there are problems with it, and perhaps enough problems so that there could be reasonable doubt about it. That would not prove that the YEC view is correct. But it would justify someone who thinks that the YEC view is correct in not giving up their view. And more importantly, it would show that McGrath should change his mind about YECs. (Which he should do anyway, given that he claims to be a Christian).

Now off to my reading. By the way, most of my reading will start here.

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