Saturday, June 16, 2012

To Vote or Not to Vote?

So if, like me, you were a 9/11 Truther in 2008, there's a good chance you voted for Obama, hoping that he would re-open the investigation into 9/11. It's four years later and you, like me, realize that the Chicago Cubs will win the World Series, and the Detroit Lions will win the Superbowl, and the Second Coming will happen before Obama will investigate 9/11. So, do I vote? And if so, for whom? And why? Feel free to offer suggestions.


  1. Only in your lunatic brain would the remote possibility that Obama is a 9/11 toofer exist

  2. I'll give you that one, Anon.

  3. I bet you're sitting in a pool of your own vomit right now, psycho.

  4. No, I cleaned the vomit up after it dried out a couple of years ago.
